Peeing rain all morning, but dried out in the afternoon - still 100% clouds and lots of rain looking clouds, but we went up to 'the map' with the motor - fuel tank only half filled since it still leaks.
Anyhoo - windy - windy enough to ridge soar - but I went for it anyhoo. Khobi asked me to take off with no power and only power up when I got up a bit - so did that - first time I've taken off in a paramotor with no power!
flew along the coast - but it got increasingly windy and misty and miserable. After 25 minutes I'd only made it 3km up the coast and by then I was pretty much hovering.
So, turned back and headed back to the map to land. When I got back there though the PGers were having trouble top landing with the wind, so Khobi waved me away.
Another 15 minutes to travel 1km along the beach to land - and I was pretty much going backwards as I came into the beach.
As I landed I tried to turn to the wing, but the wind gusted up and I was dragged along the beach on my face for 50m or so. arse. sand everywhere. sand up my nose, sand in my SLR camera, sand in the sand.
So - first flight: 50 odd minutes - not very enjoyable, stayed around 500-700 feet ASL. miniplane was fine though - plenty power.
I think I'll not bother motor flying if its windy again - stick to free flying. If there's no wind - I'll drag the motor out again.
Still - first powered flight at Wilderness at last on day 4 so I'll celebrate with a bottle of wine tonight!
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