Friday, 23 November 2012

27 jumps down

Well, perfect weather today at last. So, did 6 jumps, including the 2 ones I needed to do with a coach (jumping with another person, docking with them, and repeating, etc), and also a 'hop and pop" which is basically you jumping out the plane at 3500 feet, getting stable and pulling immediately to show you can do so in emergencies, etc.

So all the practical tasks and jumps needed for my A licence now in the bag. All that remains is for me to answer some questions (did the written test on the first day - got 90%), and then get taught how to pack my own canopy*

*I figured if I left that bit till the end I wouldn't have to actually be stupid enough to have to TRUST my own packing and have to jump with it :-)

So, fingers crossed I hang around tonight for these bits and bobs, and I can have tomorrow off sitting around the pool.

I don't fly back till sunday afternoon, so will come down again sunday morning to do any remaining paperwork and should come away with a shiny official 'A licence' allowing me to jump pretty much anywhere**

**expect the UK which as per usual with stuff like this (paragliding, paramotring, scuba diving, etc) refuses to acknowledge other counties qualifications even though every other country does. Luckily I'd rather eat my own poo than jump in the UK, so not a problem.

Here is the last jump - where I 'dock' with the coach a few times. My exit was ok, then I was rubbish getting stable (too busy focusing on trying to catch the coach), then I got it back together.

You might find the end part interesting: I turned away from the coach and tracked/delta-ed away before I pulled. During this the coach is not moving - you might be surprised by just how much horizontal distance I can get in a few seconds 'tracking away' where I 'fly' more than fall by changing the shape of my body/limbs - it's this sort of thing that wearing a wingsuit (squirrel suit) advances.

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