Sunday 25 October 2009

Serf Africa - oct 2009 the return!

Well, I'm here! Arrived late sat night in joburg feeling pretty much worse for wear after taking advantage of the free BA booze a bit too much... well 6 miniatures, 5 bottles of wine and a beer.

I think it was a bad beer.

Arrived in George at 2pm, got to Wilderness at 3pm, and was airborne at 4pm!!

Didn't video first flight, but did the second and will post some video tomorrow from a faster connection.

Managed to persuade Jan and Kobi that I could control my glider and they were happy for me to go for a flight.

Ozone Geo flew well - got a decent amount of life and ridge soared for a while before landing on the beach.

Then went up for another flight.

Had a wee mishap that time, as there were a few folk on the hill and I had to jump over one of them... cough... video to follow.

For now, here is a picture from the top of the hill.

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