Thursday 5 November 2009

Gericke's Point

Here's a video of a flight at Gericke's point (the far eastern end of paradise ridge). This time I managed to not land in a tree.

Wind was too light to soar. The take off is 125m up where the arrow is. In front is basically a 70 degree cliff down to the indian ocean. You jump off the cliff, then pull into the side to try and get lift - there was none so I landed down on the beach. The most spectacular scenery in flight so far.


Paranomates said...

Ah! Love it. Subtle music too. Bob will be enchanted!

couttsphotos said...

What an awesome looking ridge. With the right wind it would be possible to stay up for ever.

powerlord stu said...

Yeh it goes for about 10km. This is the end of it. I did 45 mins on a more westerly bit earlier in the week. Ending in the wing in the incident.