Monday 2 November 2009

View from the House

So, been a bit lacking in posts for the last few days - blown out
today so I'll make up for it a bit.

From my balcony I look out over a river valley between a set of hills
and another set of hills just in front of the sea. In front of the
house is a large tree with loads of herons in it. Here are a few
photos of them:

On the right, right next to the balcony are some trees full of little weaver bird nests. They birds are bright green and they are just making their nests just now. In fact I watched one being made over the last few days. Have to say - it really is bloody amazing how they make them - it really is weaved together - not just stuck together with spit or something.

Here's one starting it's nest:

And here is the same nest finished:

cool eh ?

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