Wednesday 4 November 2009


Today was spent sitting for 5 hours on the top of a hill waiting for the wind to get stronger or change direction.... yeh.. really.

it was, at least sunny, and the view was great (sedgefield) so I at least had summit to do.

There was a bloke there with an 18 year old paraglider... a paraglider old enough to vote! You could breath through the thing..

I reckon you could make a fortune selling dodgy old UK gliders over here.


Paranomates said...

So that's why we have motors on our backs! Stick with it mate one traverse of Paradise Ridge will make it all worth while.

bill kerr said...

Hi Stu,
Paramotorwaitng in the north....
Rain rain and even more rain.
I'm developing a hydro power system now.

powerlord stu said...

it did paradise ridge Jim - it was that on wednesday that after a nice 45-50 minute soaring flight the wind picked up and I couldn't make the front of ridge and ended up with my glider in the tree.

Paranomates said...
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Paranomates said...

You did well to get out, I could see no route back to civilisation from some parts of that area.