Monday 14 July 2008

Bungie Swing

The blokes at SARS think I'm a bit of a nutter with the biking thing. Plus, I suppose, the fact that last time I was here I jumped out a plane.

So one of them showed me something they thought I might like to try today...

Aparently quite closeby there is a closed powerstation that has 2 of those massive concrete water towers.. you know the ones you see with steam coming out them sometimes ?

Well some bright spark has run a steel cable between the tops of them, about 200m apart.

And half way between the 2, at 400 feet high, attached a rope and seat...

so you climb up one tower, grab hold of the rope, and jump of the tower... and feel like you are going to die, until you start swinging all the way over to the other tower, and back again.

Not particularly clear to me how you are supposed to get off right enough.. maybe there is a lake in the middle and you jump or something.

Anyway, if the biking doesn't come off, that will be a definate.

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